Exhibitions 2019
Here are some of the places you will be able to see my work this year...
Norfolk & Norwich Open Studios
Taster Exhibition 25 April - 2 May at WEST ACRE GALLERY Abbey Farm, River Road, West Acre, Norfolk PE32 1UA www.westacregallery.co.uk
In my Studio see New Studio Fri 31st May; Sat 1st & Sun 2nd June Fri 7th, Sat 8th & Sun 9th June 10am - 5pm As part of Norfolk & Norwich Open Studios I will be opening my studio showing my linocuts, etchings and acrylics www.nnopenstudios.org.uk
Come and see the work and or discuss classes
Affordable Art Fair Hampstead 9 -12 May 2019
I will have work at the AAF with contemporArti on Stand G3 (next to the champagne bar!) affordableartfair.com/fairs/london-hampstead
Norwich Print Fair 9th - 21st September
I have a stand at Norwich Print Fair www.norwichprintfair.co.uk
Church Street Gallery Saffron Walden Sept 28th - Oct 19th
Exhibition of Printmakers selected at the Cambridge Original Printmakers exhibition last year www.churchstreetgallery.co.uk
Art Fair East
29 November - 1 December I will be exhibiting at Art Fair East please come and introduce yourself artfaireast.com