Printmaking & Drawing Workshops

I will soon be adding some classes to my website "Taste of Print" (have a go at collagraphs, mono prints and drypoint) this will be a 3 week course for beginners or more experienced to enjoy different printmaking methods. Limited to 4 - dates and times to follow soon.

"Drawing is Fun" this will be a 4 week course for beginners or more experienced to have fun learning some basic drawing skills or developing those you already have. This class will be limited to 4 dates and times to follow

I will also be adding an Open Studio soon - you will be able to view my latest work and see how it is created - watch this space 

I am taking bookings for one to one Printmaking, Drawing or Painting days - these offer a chance to get the precise workshop that you need. I have over 30 years teaching experience with people of all ages and abilities.


  Collagraph from a workshop 

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