News — artist
Shortlisted for Artist of the Year!
artist artist & illustrators competition exhibition linocuts london louisestebbing MallGalleries printmaker printmaking shortlist
I am very excited to tell you I have been shortlisted for "Artist of the Year" Artists and Illustrators MagazineThey had several thousands of artwork to choose from this year! The winner will be announced in the December issue of Artists & Illustrators, out on 7 November.The Artist of the Year exhibition at Mall Galleries in London is open from 6th - 17th January 2015
Patchings Festival
artist competition exhibition linocuts louisestebbing patchings printmaker the artist
Just delivered my linocut to Patchings in Calverton for the Art Competition.
Open Studios
art on the map art studio artist etching exhibition fenland linocuts louise stebbing may 2014 open studios printmaker My Open Studio starts tomorrow as part of Art on the Map Open Studios I will be Open Sat 3rd/ Sun 4th/ Weds 7th/ Thurs 8th/ Fri 9th & Sat 10th from 11am - 4pm
Merry Christmas
art classes art studio artist Celebrations fenland limited linocuts louisestebbing printmaker tydd gote
Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas
Latest Linocut
artist cambridgshire fenland limited linocuts louisestebbing new open studios printmaker tydd gote
This is the linocut I was demonstrating at Open Studios