Latest Linocut
artist cambridgshire fenland limited linocuts louisestebbing new open studios printmaker tydd gote
This is the linocut I was demonstrating at Open Studios
Exhibition of Linocuts & Etchings
artist Ayscoughfee Hall exhibition fenland linocuts louisestebbing printmaker Spalding
I have just set up my exhibition at Ayscoughfee Hall Museum in Spalding - its starts tomorrow 4th Dec until Sat 14th.
Open Studios
art studio artist cambridgshire exhibition fenland linocuts louisestebbing open studios printmaker
Thanks to everyone that came and made my Open Studios a success. I will post a picture of the finished linocut I was demonstrating at Open Studios - just one more colour to print
Open Studios Sat 30th Nov & Sun 1st Dec
art studio artist cambridgshire exhibition fenland limited linocuts louisestebbing open studios printmaker tydd gote
Louise Stebbing is taking part in Art on the Map Open Studios on Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December 2013 Open 11am to 4pm Free Admission Come and see Louise's colourful linocuts & etchings and how she creates them.
Highgate Exhibition
etching exhibition highgate limited louisestebbing printmaker printmakers council
I will be exhibiting with the Printmakers Council at Highgate in London see attached I have created some new etchings for the show - this will be their first showing.