
Patchings Art Festival

competition editions exhibition limited linocuts louisestebbing online art printmaker

Just found out I have had "Brasserie" accepted in the Patchings Art Exhibition  

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NEW website

I am gradually adding my new images onto the website. I hope you will enjoy looking at them and add them to your Pinterest or Facebook. I will be adding much more to the site so please call back soon.    

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Welcome to my new blog

artist cambridgshire editions fenland limited linocuts louisestebbing new online art printmaker tydd gote

Hi I am a professional Printmaker working mainly in limited edition linocuts and etchings, all of which I hand print so even within the edition each one is individual, the editions are all very limited most of the linocuts to around 20 and the etchings to around 50. I almost always use Fabriano paper to print on and take every care I can creating and handling my work. This is my first ecommerce site and I am very excited to be showing you my work. Louise Stebbing

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