News — art for homes


acrylic painting art event art for homes art studio etching linocuts meet the artist Norfolk open studio printmaking


You are warmly invited to my Open Studio on Sat 2 December 11 - 4 Lots of offers only for the Open Studio - linocuts, etchings, acrylics, cards, books  Come & see how I create my work, chat about classes, enjoy refreshments.

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Art in Your Homes..

art for homes Home interiors lino printing printmakers Royal Academy Summer Exhibition

Art in Your Homes..

How fantastic to be sent photos of my work that was bought at the RA Summer Exhibition, then sent to the buyer, then images of it in situ sent to me Thank you John Higgins it looks perfect.  Another buyer said on receiving it "Recieved and more beautiful than I remember"  so nice to get feedback :)  You have until January to visit the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition and see it there  and it can be viewed in my studio - see earlier post on Open Studios. Buy rise fo Female Artists..  

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