News — how to linocut
Printmaking Workshops with Louise Stebbing
beginners lino collagraph workshop how to linocut learn linocut learn linoprinting lino course Monoprint workshop monoprinting norfolk
Want to learn how to linocut, make mono prints or collagraphs in a well equipped peaceful studio? Max 4 people so book early.
Making a reduction linocut "Foxgloves in the Woods"
foxgloves how to linocut norfolk woods process reduction lino reduction linocut the woods
My latest linocut "Foxgloves in the Woods" inspired by a visit to Norfolk woods a few weeks ago Here are some of the layers of the reduction linocut. Videos to follow. Now available online here "Foxgloves in the Woods" New dates for linocut and other printmaking workshops this Autumn coming soon.